Ronnie Sox

I met Ronnie Sox quite by accident at Greer Dragway around 1994. I went to test and tune night with my 71 Challenger conv. , and was sitting in the staging lanes. Some guy walks up and pays a nice compliment about my car, and starts talking. He sounded like he knew his stuff about Mopars, and drag racing. Then he tells me him and some buddies used to race Hemi Cudas in Pro Stock back in the day, but that he never had a conv. Then I'm thinking..."Yeah right, here we go!" So I asked him if they ever did any good? (It had never dawned on me who this 50 something year old dude was.) He said "Yeah, we did alright. We won the Pro Stock Championship a few times." I was sitting there in my car, and must have had the most dumbfounded look on my face....and this wirey little ol guy smiles and sticks his hand in my window to shake hands with me and says..."Hi. I'm Ronnie Sox." You coulda knocked me out with a feather! As soon as he said it, I recognized his face. He walked along as I moved up in the lanes, and just kept talking like he had known me all his life. He was there testing a Pro Mod Mercury Comet he was running at the time. I went over to his pit later and talked to him some more. Just a heck of a nice guy. :prayer: That ended up being one of the best days I ever spent at the race track, and that's my Ronnie Sox story. :D