Valiant Effort!!!

Here's my blank canvas!

It doesn't look like much, but it is unmolested, original paint, etc.

It's going to get a quenched high compression \6 build. Either 10:1 or 12:1 depending on the combustion chamber geometry. If the 12:1 version is built it will run with water methanol injection to allow 93 octane pump gas usage.

8 3/4" W/4.10-4.30-4.56 depending on the power band & tire size. OE disc brakes conversion on the front.

I want to build a N/A \6 that can rip off a 12.99 when conditions are right & run solid 13.5s under average conditions.

A 150 shot of N2O will liven things up for the occasional low 12/high 11 pass.

Lots of work to do!