how did you learn to work on cars?
Back in '61 dad was stocking groceries at a store, got laid off and went to work for a local mechanic shop. It wasn't too long after that, he was laid off again, and while looking for another job, happened into an auto repair shop owned by a fine older gentleman. Dad asked for a job, and in the middle of the conversation Mr. McAllister, who owned the garage, said,' Heck, I'm tired of running this place, how about I sell it to you?'. A deal was worked out, and the following Saturday my dad rudely woke me from a sound sleep, where I was having visions of watching Saturday morning cartoons, and goofing off the rest of the day, to find out that at 11 years old I had been hired to work every Saturday at my dad's new shop.
My first job, which lasted about four weeks, was sorting bolts, nuts and washers from a large pile, into coarse and fine! (This was before metrics!). Got paid a 1.50 for the days work! Shortly after I began cleaning floors, counters, wiping down the oil racks underneath the recycled quart oil cans. Next came using the air impact to remove lug nuts. From there came tuneups, hoses and belts, and eventually engine, clutch and transmission swaps. Eventually dad decided we needed to do some paint and body work. 29.95 paint specials, with materials running 5-10 dollars per job. My job was to mask the window and chrome using old newspapers. Next came sanding and cleaning. I can still remember sanding until my finger tips bled! As tired as I sometimes was of having to work while all of my friends were out running around, I have come to appreciate the demands put on me by my dad, to learn skills, that have always come in handy throughout my life. Ben.