New member from Va

Hello everyone. My first car at 16 years old was a 1964 Plymouth Barracuda. $1200 worth of pure joy at the time. I loved that car and always knew I shouldn't have let it go. But life happens and it couldn't have been helped, now 28 years later I am going to take the plunge and start the journey of finding another and restoring it.

I am currently looking for a 64-66 Barracuda. This is going to be very interesting. While I can do motor and body work and I have the help of my brother in law (20+ years professional mechanic) I've never attempted a restoration. But I do have the space and a few bucks to start so I'm going to see where this leads.

Any advice given will be very appreciated. I joined this site to pick the brains of the people on here that have gone down this road before.

First question is what should I look for and what to look out for in picking the car. I'm not worried about motor or trans. I'll be putting in a 340 and a transmission to compliment it. I'm also not too worried about simple fixes to the body. I guess I'm a little scared of all the little things people like me tend to overlook when starting this process. I am very confident that I have no idea what I'm getting into!

My main concern is what should be in good shape and what can be overlooked? I intend to spend between $1500-$4000 depending on the shape it's in and what I don't have to do to it later.

I know the answers are going to vary but I'll sit back and soak it all in. Anyway in closing thanks for the administrators of this forum. I'm going to need all the help I can get!
