2013 Indy Mecum Auction

Well they are selling

Don't know what they brought but my friends MORE DOOR, 72 Valiant brought more than reserve and is going to a very happy new owner. B5 blue, black vinyl top 318, auto air and over the top restored well documented car.

A 67 440 Dart 270 looking good with 6 pak hood sold in the 18k range is what the seller told me

67 Dart convertible that was a guy I know and help him out with some parts, got to find out what it sold for

69 Swinger, copper black top and interior, 4 speed 340 and to be # match buyer told me 11000 plus fees was a nice looking #3 car

Don't know what the sell rate was but I was busy in the sold lot most all day

LOTS OF DEMONS COMING IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS cannot believe the number of GSS demons there, super charged, 6 pak

It might not be for everyone, but it is ONE HELL OF A SHOW