Supposedly overcammed works out.....

RustyRatRod wrote: "That's because your combo is NOT overcammed. It's UNDER converted."

Thanks for the advice, Rusty. I don't want to hijack the thread, but how high a stall speed do you think is desirable in a car driven on the street? I don' think I want to have to rev up to 3,000 before it would connect.

its about efficiency. you can get a 4000 stall that will still be streetable. I have a dynamic converter. 10.5" 4200 stall. it actually cruises at lower rpm then the previous 3500 stall converter i had. but when you load it up and flash the converter it revs way up and grabs hard. i would get on the phone with some builders. be honest with your specs and what you want from the car. they guys at dynamic set me up right and it has been the best $600 i spent on the car. when it comes to stall converters you get what you pay for.