A/C compressor

For the back mounting hole I am going to weld a nut on to the engine mount add in a spacer/sleeve to fill the gap and slide a bolt through this and bolt it up.

I can fit my finger between this gap (this is the general rule for clearances over in Aus that they look for (about 10mm) so I need to maintain that gap. I could probably grind that lip back a bit more, roughly about 8mm left there. With that 8mm I gain I could probably add an additional 8mm spacer between the bracket and compressor?

Now I am hoping I can squeeze a header pipe off the front exhaust port and that it doesn't fowl the a/c compressor. I have already ground off the back mounting bracket and as much as I can to make room. I think a set of factory car manifolds would probably just clear but the collector flange hits the chassis rail so I can't be sure on that without cutting off part of it.

I thought about adding extra spacers between the flat bracket and the a/c compressor but that would push it in to the chassis rail. So that rules that out. I keep using Gdemon's as a reference, although his compressor is mounted higher up. I haven't been able to contact Jerry for any more pics as his inbox is full and I don't think he has been on the forum this year.

Other options are: see if I can space the compressor off the bracket a little bit more and grind a little more off the lip of the chassis rail - perhaps have 8mm I could get there.

Swap to a truck timing cover, but that requires different accessories (pwr steering pump, alternator, a/c compressor) - sounds exxy

Make new engine mounts - ones that mount off the chassis rail (just made these ones up, prefer not to do this since I've got all the engine mounts and new biscuit blow out mounts)

Custom extractors
