May 19, 2013 MoPower Madness Car Show & Swap (Wheaton IL)


Thank you so much for turning me on to this show and group, I am now a member of the mid-west mopar club!! It was a nice group of mopar fans and cars, some very nice examples of power and fun! I and my new wife enjoyed the day sitting there walking around chatting with many nice people about their sweet rides! Also it blew my mind to see two other early a body cudas just like my 65 formula s right there around mine. One very sweet original white beauty and another just like mine a work in progress modified slightly to drive and enjoy for fun and blowing peoples doors off, when they mess with you! In fact when we left around 1pm going down the road we were traveling right next to each other making people blink twice!! Joy to the world of Mopar madness!! Cant wait for the next gathering and getting to know more of the nice people and having fun!

65 Cudalover Gregg R

Hey Greg, glad you enjoyed the show and thanks for joining up. Your car looked great. ( I was the sunburned guy with the orange vest in front of the registration tent directing cars to their parking areas.) I hoped to chat with you in between volunteer duties during the day, but never connected...
