A tornado has hit an elementary school in Moore

Update: Still officially 51 dead, but coroner has said to expect about 40 more that have yet to be "processed" by medical examiners. Half of that is said to be more children. I can't even imagine what these people are going through.

Heard that too, and still dozens of people missing, including more kids...hope that they can find some survivors. There was an interview with a guy who lost his home, he said one good thing is his daughter had a bad feeling about the storms and went to the school early to pick up her 2 kids at 2:00 PM before the storm hit and they were saved, the old guy said in tears "I am proud of my daughter, I don't know what would happen to me if I lost my grandbabies"

So sad but still people are able to find some good news in all this mess. I had to turn the news off, it is too sad to watch.