anybody got kids, past or present i got questions

I have a daughter, and am a teacher of middle school students. I teach shop. My wife is a guidance counselor.

From what I can see before you can solve the problem you need to understand it. Kids delelopment is affected in 3 ways, geneticly, chemically and envirenmentaly. SOme of these things are reversable, some are not. None are an easy task. Based on their ages you have a chance. Your wife and you have to be on the same page to make any ground. Consistancy is the key.

These kids have already been bombarded with around 40 vaccines. Many are known to cause social disorders and brain changes and damage. You can't change that. If you and or your wife are adamit about vaccinating your child. With your 8 month old, check out Dr. Sears alternative vaccination schedule.

What they have been fed canot be changed but altering their diet if need be to eliminste as much processed foods as possible is essential.

Get them into routines. Get them active, outlets for the energy.

You mentioned having to tell them more than once and then yelling etc. Get on the same page with your wife and adopt the ask once policy. Remember they are 6-7 years old. They really don't have the option of cntolling you or your wife unless you let them. Don't raise your voice if not needed. being strict without emotion takes one of their pleasures out of the situation, your emotional response to them.

Talk to their teachers at school about the issues. Make sure what you are doing at home is also done at school. If you are unhappy with their teachers, complain. School back down to parents easily.

Most of your behaviors in life come from 2-7 years old. After that it's mostly refinement.