70DartMike's road trip across Canada / US

Well, crossing the border was hell.

We had to pull into the vehicle search area, like I figured they would ask us to. That was fine though, as we didn't have anything to hide. They rifled through our van like I figured they would. The shitty part was being interrogated for over 2 hours. Seriously?? We're just traveling through the US, to see different scenery than Canada.
From having my wallet torn apart, to asking what each and every card was, and why I had a policy # (extended medical). Then I had to stand in a square of tile, while I had to empty everything from my pockets, which was just my cell phone.. they already had everything else. Then I was told if I left my square, that I would regret it as I would get seriously hurt. Then they took Carmen's purse, and dumped it all out, rifling through all her things. Then they took our cell phones, which have passwords on them. In Canada, if your cell has a password, an officer does not have permission to search your phone. Well, we were forced to give up our passwords, and then told to sit and wait. The officer went through our phones, every single text message, every single web page we looked at, went through all our pictures (of course we both have pictures on there we don't like anyone seeing except each other). The whole time, he would yell at me and treat me like garbage, and then turn and laugh with his buddies. Then I was interrogated on every text, including who my cousin was, if he really was my cousin, about the texts from my deceased father, etc. Then he asked Carmen to log into her bank account online and show him exactly how much she had in each account. Then we were told we should drive right along the border, in case our van breaks down and doesn't make it. Nothing old is reliable anymore, right?
Anyways.. just a little PO'd about it. We feel a little violated, as we were very polite, we didn't hide anything, and we didn't give any attitude. And we were still treated like garbage.
We're in Maine now, where we really like your cheap gas. You guys are still under $1 a litre!! I never want to hear anyone complain about gas prices again, lol. Here in Maine, we're paying about $3.55 a gallon, at home we're paying $5.30 or more a gallon.
We also enjoy loading up on cheap beer/wine in Walmart. Everything is literally half price what we're paying at home.