removing aluminum anodizing

FWIW, I didn't have much luck with oven cleaner years ago. I got much faster results dropping the pieces into warm Drano Kitchen Crystal bath. Stripped the bright dip within 20 minutes. Rinse the smut off, ready for repairs/polishing.

Drano is mostly Sodium Hydroxide, this is the same chemical that we used to etch the part, and strip parts, it works great.

Here's a little fun experiment for you. Take Drano in glass bottle, add water, add aluminum foil. Keep adding foil. Pretty soon the foil will react with the water violently. The bottle will get hot. Now quickly, place a balloon over the end of the bottle and watch the balloon fill with gas. The GAS is HYDROGEN. Fun Stuff. Now take the balloon off the bottle and tie the end in a knot. You now have a balloon filled with hydrogen.

Just like the Hindenburg...... Hmmm. Anyone remember what happened to the Hindenburg? Anyone....... Anyone...... Bueller...... Bueller........? Now take a piece of paper and tape it to the balloon, this is a fuse. Now light the paper on fire and take step back. Watch the balloon create a really cool fireball. What is really neat about it, is that since the balloon if full of nearly pure hydrogen, it won't explode, it burns, so you get a really cool fireball for about two to three seconds.

Have fun. If you burn your house down don't blame me.


Joe Dokes