How do I remove this from my memory?!?!?!

We subscribe to a mag that uses normal looking folks to model what ever.

I have a daughter and I have read some of her far as I can tell, these mags teach young girls to hate their own bodies by holding up impossible standards. One of our jobs as parents is to run interference to these media messages and give her a better perspective. It also helps that my wife works for Public Health. This has helped. My daughter is healthy and active. She has a healthy appetite...maybe a bit too much sugar during exams :) but runs for fun and is on a competitive dance team.

She has been on a tv show and movie as an extra and once thought about modeling but after reading some bio's, decided that modeling brought with it an unhealthily lifestyle.

Sorry, I did use an extreme to support my thesis.

BTW, roller derby is making a comeback :)
