Craigslist? What am I doing wrong?

Craigslist is pollution to a site like this! I don't go there, don't buy there, dont sell there! I don't care what there buyin, don't care what there sellin! why expose yourself to that risk!!!!

Not sure what risk you're exposing yourself to?!? I meet people in a public place, do the CASH transaction, and I'm on my way. If you're worried about getting randomly shot, I'd think you'd have to avoid convenience stores, liquor stores, walking down a city street, etc.

As far as it being pollution to a site like this, I'm assuming you mean FABO?!? I had parts listed here for a month with no takers, but sold them on Craigslist. I find all sorts of Mopar parts on CL and even have an app on my phone that alerts me when someone lists Mopar parts for sale.

Like the others have said, it's free so you have to deal with the flakes.