My '68 Fastback 4 speed swap
Well, it's in and done, as far as the installation goes. I changed out the slip yoke and installed new solid U-joints.
With the clutch engaged, I have about a 1/16" to an 1/8" from the clutch disc to the flywheel, about about an 1/8" to 3/16" from the throwout bearing to the 3 clutch fingers when the clutch isn't engaged.
This pic is probably worthless.
The clutch linkage and Z-bar all work together very nicely. Not too harsh of a pedal feel at all. The TTI Z-bar clears the TTI headers, no mods had to be made, it all went together.
Now I just have to test it! I gotta finish up a few things and I'll let yall know how everything works.