What is this type of car called?

Very bad idea. Unibody cars depend on the top as well as the doors and bottom for rigidity. Without a top the center could sag and the car could fold up in an accident. Without a cage or frame modifications it wouldnt be safe.Convertibles have different unibody construction than sedans. Dont do it.


Thanks guys,
Dare, ya I to realize that the roof and doors provide the strength.
However, if you put in s subframe and tie it all together nice and tight,
Would that not allow this?

Honestly, I tried to shave the drip rails and I am not to happy with how
It looks, so that's why I'm considering what my dad suggests.
Or just scrapping the car.

Could not help but wonder why you were shaving them off. I understand the whole custom thing....but I also understand that if some one lacks the skills to properly plan, the ability see the finished result in there head before it is done that perhaps they should leave well enough alone. That is one of the reason I picked the tattoo artist that I did, Tim has the ability to be able to en-vision the finished product just by drawing a few simple lines with a sharpie on you. Saves you from having to come up with a way to cover a lot of crap up.....

A former co-worker removed the roof of of her Toyota 4x4 pick up after putting it on the lid. Truck was a complete waste of time. It was a DD that could not a nice stereo, you baked in the summer and froze your nuts off in the winter. A true convertible is one thing, but to hack the roof of a vehicle, make some cheesy bikini type of top is something different. Kims truck, without the side glass was like a wind tunnel. At least on a bike the wind is blasting at you from the front, not coming in the now missing side windows and swirling around the cab like a twister.