Feeling about suicide

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

This is very far form the truth for some of us. Mental health troubles are permanent. Some of us there is no solution other than learning to cope with it the best you can. Which leads to day in and day out despair. I read in another post about how ones suicide hurts the others in there family. While this is true they will move on. The other side of the coin is the person that commits suicide very well might be living an absolutely horrible existence. And is it fair to this person to be absolutely miserable just to here for other folks to feel good about this lost troubled soul being here. Now who is being selfish? There is not a single person here who has not lost a loved one. And out of all these folks that have experienced a loss there is also not a single one of them that moved on with there life. Just a simple fact of life.

Reality can be an evil thing. And the reality for some folks is that living is extremely painful. And while love, and having people in your life does help ease this pain it often time is no where near enough to make one forget about how absolutely miserable there life is.

Thing a lot folks don't seem to understand is that mentally ill folks do not process things in the same manner as a healthy individual. And this miswired brain changes the way we look at things.....