Anyone own a rental property?

Rental property can be either a dream or a nightmare. I have two rental units, that I didn't even want. Previous tenents really messed up the places (before I got them). With the market in the area, and the condition of the places, not worth selling. The county still wants their taxes, so I have to rent out. There is absolutly no way I would be an absentee landlord. I did that with property I had in NJ, when I moved to Florida. Tenents distroyed the house. A friend has a mobile home park, and he does background checks, and credit checks. Does not allow kids or pets. Keeps the property in great shape (including the mobiles). He still gets an occasional bad tenent, and like was posted before, it can take months to get them out. If you decide to rent, make sure you get and read a copy of the landlord/tenent laws for your area. Believe me bad tennents know the law and will take advantage of it.