Anyone own a rental property?

You could rent your home and then (hopefully) wait until prices go up a bit more, maybe a few years and take advantage of that "2-out-of-the-last-5-years" rule on capital gains. I hope it hasn't changed. If you've lived in that house for 2 out of the past 5 years at the time of sale, you don't need to pay capital gains on it. If I'm wrong on this, someone tell me...

I had a small house that I rented to an old couple, in their late 60's/70 years old. They were good tenants.....for a few years, then they guy's Ebay gig got washed up and he could no longer pay the rent. Got a property management co. to boot them out. I learned a lot real quick. Point is, I was able to keep the property long enough for prices go up and then I sold it for a decent profit. The house was messed up a little bit and we had to work on it for 6 months to get it in shape to sell, so we had to eat that.

I'm in no rush to do it again, but I might......