Anyone own a rental property?

Generally people don't give a crap if it's not their stuff.

x2 (heck, x infinity!)

Oh, and, if you end up taking them to court (eviction, etc.), I've found the court views you as the 'rich' landlord who is taking advantage of the poor folk, and they will give them more time, not make them pay what they owe, etc. (Especially if your property manager goes instead of you going personally).

One in particular 'we couldn't possibly make this family with 3 children move out before Thanksgiving - they can stay until after the first of December before they have to move out.', costing yet another months rent...added to the 3 they were behind, and before the damage they did to 'get even' with the evil landlord who had the gall to try to make them pay their rent.

You know what, watch that show on cable "World's Worst Tenants" for a while.