Anyone own a rental property?

Seems like the majority of people have had more negative than positive experiences with this. I asked on another forum and got about the same ratio of negative responses. Someone brought up a good point that with houses being so cheap right now, the majority of responsible people who can pay their bills on time are buying and not renting.

I have a question though. How am I supposed to buy another house before I sell this one? I did a calculator on google and it basically states that I can only afford a home that's about the same price as my current home as long as I still have that mortgage debt. If I do the calculator without the mortgage debt, I can afford the dream home that I found.

So how is that supposed to work? Do they expect you to sell first and then go searching for a home to buy? I know how I am with money and I know I could afford both homes for a year on my own if I had to wait for it to sell. But I know no bank would approve that.

Make your offer on the second house contingent on the sale of your existing house. This happens all the time. Most people are not in a position to be able to do it any other way.

I don't feel you are in a position to be able to keep your existing house. And the rental business is a crap shoot. I have owned as many as 5 houses at the same time (including the one I live in), but only rented one out. Learned my lesson on that one. No offense intended to anyone, but renters generally have a strange, selfish attitude, and treat your property like crap and they dont give a rip about it.