So I clocked-in this morning around 9am with my pump sprayer and 3 jugs of clear ammonia. With the arse of the car jacked up a little and a full compliment of disposable clothing, I proceeded to saturate the entire underside of the car. We're talking floor pan, transmission, wheel wells, rear axle assembly, brake assemblies, and I even went thru the engine compartment even though I thought I had it pretty well under control (I hadn't). This stuff made my car smell worse than a neglected catbox, but I pressed forward. I pulled the rear wheels off and sprayed those, too, then made it a point to soak the fins in the radiator and air conditioning condenser.
As I was spraying on the ammonia I noticed that, as it dripped-off, it was carrying away some dirt and grime. Oh yeah, ammonia is a cleaner, isn't it? So, instead of rinsing it off with just a hose, I busted out the pressure washer to capitalize on the cleaning potential. A whole lot of crud came out from under her. Just from the perspective of trying to clean the car, this stuff was a win.
Bottom line: After it dried, I stuck my head up under one of the wheel arches and HO - LEE - COW...the moldy stank is gone! This stuff is just what the doctor ordered.
So, today, I went back to the store and got 4 more jugs of cat pee so I can do a repeat on the belly of the beast and also spray down into all of the hard to reach spots inside the car but that will have to wait until I finish pulling everything out from under the dash.
today was a good day