Hard to keep going sometimes
Ernie, my wife, has an auto immune disease....not much fun. You mentioned disability. How old are you? It plays a part in how difficult it is to get thru SSD.
http://www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/AdultListings.htm lists everything that they consider a disability. If you do apply, make sure you tell them about everything. Often times the big picture is what gets you thru. Be prepared for a long battle. If you have not been out of work but a month or two you will get denied. Everybody gets denied the first time around. And good luck finding an attorney that will help you if you have not been out for at least a year. Contact me and I can explain this to you. Depending on your age and what it is that is wrong with you you very well may need an attorney to get thru. I did not, even though I was only 43 or so. They look at your previous 15 years work history. I had that covered with the Post Office, and the PO said I had to go so SS had no choice.
My Dad got denied after having 5 strokes. The state took his driver license. He drove for a living, giving estimates for his business. If you figure that out let me know....
Wish there was something I could to do help with your issues. If you ever want to talk about the SSD process, or just vent a bit please do not hesitate to contact me....
Chronic ailments are one of the leading causes for depression.....