Computer Help Needed...

Actually Linux is pretty good at "self adjusting" I've got it on a couple of older laptops, one is dual boot XP/ Linux Mint. I use the XP for my Holley EFI program, and only have Linux on it for the occasional times I want to download files.

The cool thing about dual boot Linux/ Winhozed is that the Linux system, which is might - as - well - be immune to viruses, can "see" the Windows partition. So you can get online, download files, and save them in the Windoze partition.

Hell, the Windows install on that thing will never see the internet!! I don't have, or need, any virus protection of any kind.

I make my living off Windows and it's sketchy unstable mess, so hush. :D

Seriously though, Linux is just stable as can be and I like it quite a bit.
We recommend it for the persistant **** surfer customers so they don't get infected every day. :D