Veterans can be sooo cool

war verterans can be the coolest, i found out today.

this morning i was in town bcoz i had a doctor's appointment so as me and my adoptive mom were driving around we saw this rummage sale in the American legion building we went in and there were a ton of old ppl and i didnt see anything i was interested in

But then i noticed these little plane models on a table to the back of the sale....they were sooooo cute and got my attention so i was really looking at them and i didnt notice an older gentleman was watching me as i looked at the models.

suddenly a deep powerful voice interupts my thought and says "miss where you from?" he was so tall and powerful looking he made me studder "i i i'm from India" i replied. then he says "do you like WWII stuff" i replied that i dont know all the details but i covered a lot of WWII in history class when i was in my Bachelors program.....and yes the little planes are sooooo cute.......i told him i will buy them and i will put them on my shelf as they had a 10 dollar price tag on the lot.

he says very sternly and authouritively...."have a seat young lady" so i said "yes sir" and sat down in the chair he pointed to.

i didnt know where this was going bcoz i didnt know what he was thinking about me.

he started by telling me that Troops from India had a big part in liberating Italy in WWII....

after i came home i looked it up and what he said is true

[ame=""]Great battles - Indian army in world war II Italian Campaign documentary Part 1 of 3 - YouTube[/ame]

he told me that he is a Vietnam Vet and lived with his uncle most of his life who was a WWII vet who passed about 10 years ago.

we ended up talking for almost an hour about war stories and when i gave him 10 dollars for the planes he gave it back and told me that if i fix the two damaged ones and tell my friends about these war stories that i can have the planes.......i got his address and plan to go visit him again with my dad ....bcoz my adoptive dad is a US Army Vietnam era vet too. :D:D:D