Veterans can be sooo cool

Some of these guys took considerable trauma to their graves. My Uncle was on a couple of Pacific Islands, including Okinawa. He didn't really like talking about it that much. Now that I've seen some real footage, I understand why.

The footage of the mass suicide of people on the island is enough to give anyone the willies. I've now seen other footage of U.S. soldiers, in rainy, flooded, filthy foxholes. In other words up to your neck in mud and water, filled with bugs, dead animals and remains of men, both Allied and enemy. You didn't dare "get up" or you'd get shot.

well through it all war is an ugliness of the world and its amazing how these ppl in the service endure it ....when you stand back and take a look at who is fighting in these wars .......children. late teens early 20s are still very inexperienced ppl and what they see in war is really too much yet they do it.

im glad the gentleman today brought my home country into it......even though most Americans i talk to dont know the difference between the middle east and sure glad that my birth country has excellent relations with the USA (even now) and im glad to know that my ppl were there to assist the Allied Forces in the time of need in WWII.