Veterans can be sooo cool

both my Grand father served during WWII. my Great Uncle flew B-17 in to germany. and my Grandmother was a i thinck it was called a wacke, during WWII. but i think the coolest thing was just after memorial day i was walking in to Walmart and there was this older couple in front of me and i was waiting to get around them, yes i wanted to get in and out of the store. the older genteman turned and looked at me and was wearing a ball cap that said purple heart recipient. well i stopped and thought about and asked if he had severed. well i don't think he could hear but his wife turned and looked at me and said yes with a look that if you have a problem with that i will kick your but. well i payed that no never mind walked up to him and shook his hand and said thank you. i think they where both in shock, well to shorten this up he was in the pacific on a PT boat. Rani it is a great thing that this man will share his stories with you please go and listen. sorry for highjacking!