Advaned Auto parts GENIUSES!!

The problem isn't the necessarily willingness of these people to dig.

The store systems are pretty specific to their individual inventory so the systems work with some speed probably on avg 30-40k skus not the 800k skus to have all the information the web likely has access to.
It is all the hoops and paperwork it creates from a loss prevention standpoint. It is harder to sell you a part then it is to find it in many cases. People are afraid of loosing there jobs over stupid billing mistakes - perceived as theft.
I assume advanced is that was I know AZ is. Now Oreilly, CQ and NAPA use purchasing cards which makes it a lot easier.
Remember HR and LP run these corporations now a days.
The reason why is well internal theft, poor training, improper costing, shipping etc. I have seen boxes take 50k+ hits from this alone. Let alone the built in automatic 1-1.2% shrink for external internal/theft and paperwork errors.

It sucks, but it is what it is, when you're trying to save a dollar and trying to keep competitive with the jones'.

The thing that irks me is when you go in looking for a specific part for these old cars. They check there computer nope don't have it. Thats it? No more digging? I called Advanced the the other day after a part that was on there website I gave the gal the part number she says we dont have that in our system? Really! I didnt even mention the website. Its almost like if it aint in the computer thats it. No digging or checking around or different sources. Almost a lazy answer so they can move on to the next one in line. Anymore I order online though advanced using there discount codes. Have met parts house yet that can beat them in price.