
My father quit cold turkey after a heart attack at the age of 50. Sadly I wish my mother and I would have followed suit. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer 2 months ago. We had to bury her yesterday.

I have been smoking since the age of 10. Started when the Air Force sent us to Turkey. I could buy them myself at any store there at that age. I have smoked ever since. I was at 2 packs a day when my mother was diagnosed, I am at half a pack now and struggling with actually quitting. I know I can do it, but don't have it in me to do it cold turkey like my father did.

The expense alone should be enough to make me quit, we used to smoke Marlboros and 3 of us in the house went thru 4 cartons a week for awhile. We switched to the cheaper Pall Malls before my mother got sick. Even with the cheaper smoke it was costing us 151.00 per week. I used to ***** about the high cost and I still don't think it is right for them to tax them soo much, but on the flip side I hope it helps give folks another reason to try and quit.

Sorry about your Mother