Stolen Trailer & 37 Plymouth Coupe $1000 Reward

I've seriously thought about, and just might, build a "reverse receiver" for my trailer. Think about it. You remove the coupler from the trailer, you put what amounts to a hitch "stinger" in place of it, with a HORIZONTAL, not vertical pin hole, just exactly like a receiver hitch (the male part)

Then you mount your ball coupler on what amounts to a hitch receiver. (the female part.)

Seems to me that without a wrecker, chains, etc, it might have just gotten a little tougher to steal your trailer. Things like chain/ padlock through the wheels will slow 'em down some more. You could also get a piece of tube with a matching hitch pin hole, and run a nice big long shank padlock through the trailer "stinger." Weld some "cutter shields" around the bottom and side to shield the lock, and it would be difficult (without a torch) to cut off the lock.
