Advaned Auto parts GENIUSES!!

These discussions tend to be a sore spot for me. I worked in the auto parts industry at just about every level you can imagine, for thirteen years. I left after I was finished with both of my degrees. I can tell you, working with the general public is no fun. The people that come in off of the streets trying to fix their car, can be just as frustrating as some of the people behind the counter. It works both ways. And no, for the most part, the jobs don't pay very well, so there are a lack of quality people...But that's in any service industry almost. John Q Public almost always walks in with condescension and a typically horrible attitude. It's a crap job, and I'm very thankful I haven't had to do it in years.

To the OP...I wouldn't be surprised if the guy was jacking with you. But made it seem like he was serious. Maybe he doesn't like Mopars....Or you...Or you just caught him on a bad day. Not excusing him, just saying he's human too.