Almost got hit yesterday....

Glad your safe Doug. A friend of mine at work has a Honda Goldwing that he might consider selling because the way people drive out here. He was almost hit nearly a dozen times last summer!

And get this, I think the bike is cursed, lol. The man he bought the bike from used to work with us until he retired 2-3yrs ago. He was once even hit by lightning on it! The last straw came when just before he retired he left work and was waiting at a stop light. A 19-20yo gal came barreling up and rear ended him doing 30mph. Knocked him backwards off the bike. She tried fleeing the scene but she was quickly blocked in by other drivers who seen it happen.
He ended up having to get 3 vertebrae in his neck fused and his doctor strongly recommended him to sell all his he did. I forgot to mention Teddy is in his late 60's.
Anyways, those 15yo's will get what they deserve...hopefully!