Almost got hit yesterday....

Anybody else ever got hit by a car when they were younger? Perhaps chasing a ball, or or your bicycle? I got hit by a car once while on my bike. I should have not been riding my bicycle on the street yet as I was a bit wobbly. And this wobbling is what put me into the front corner of a neighbors car. Luckily I did get hurt to bad, more like got the snot scared out of me. This is what amazes me about the people in parking lots. I realize they have the right of way but with how distracted folks are while they are driving anymore it is a foolish risk to just assume that the driver of a car is going to see you. And then as 72Dodge stated some folks are not crawling thru the parking lots, they are down right hauling ***.

Yes...By a Woman on the phone about 8 months ago. She didnt realize there are stop signs at entrances and exits to neighborhoods and that you have to stop before them. Hit her at like 20MPH :oops: slid across her hood and into the middle of the road and almost got run over. But jumped up and the woman was out of her car crying. So My bike needed a new rim and she needed a new hood...LOL and i didnt have to go to the hospital and limped home for 2 miles carrying my bike. Man did i feel it in the morning and my cheek was all chewed up and hurt like hell getting all the gravel out of there and other cuts. Hurt for a long time too like a month or so. never went to the doctor tho but no broken bones so why waste a trip?
Anyways i dont ride my bike anymore...But really need to start again :glasses7: and have never seen the woman or car again.
If I did i would go take all the valves out of the valve stems on her car:finga: