Almost got hit yesterday....

Doug I don't know you but you seem angry so you need a little anger management. Next time this happens stop your bike put down the stand. Sing as loud as you can I feel pretty oh so pretty oh so pretty and witty. This will take care of the anger LOL. Just kidding.

Problem with this is I will probably sound like a wounded moose if I were to sing....and some one might shoot me to put me out of my misery. That or I might end up in a padded room some where........

The Friday after Sarah got through her original surgery my best friend and I had just gone shopping for a few things and were walking back to the car.

A woman comes flying through the parking lot and damned near hits me. I wasn't walking through the middle of the parking lot, I was walking close to the parked cars, but she damned near hit me anyway.

I told her to watch where she was going. All the sudden she stops the car, jumps out and starts mouthing at me. Then three of four kids, about 17, 18 years old jump out and start mouthing. One looks me over like he's a badass (all five foot nothing of him) and says something about me being his light work.

I couldn't help myself... I started laughing uncontrollably. They didn't know what to think of that. This little punk *** teenager, telling me I was his light work. Hysterical!

Pull up your pants, junior, unless you're somebody's b****, and unless your brain is in sideways, put your hat on straight.

Karli dragged me back to the car, me still laughing. I s*** bigger than you, junior!

All I can say, it was a good thing it was the Friday following Sarah's surgery. If it had been the day of Sarah's surgery, I would have played Stretch Armstrong with the kid until his arms came off, then used his arms to beat the ever loving s*** out his buddies. Without blinking an eye.

The problem with kids - or people in general - is that they never who they may be f***ing with or the state of mind with whom they may be running up against.

Some peoples kids.......seems like every time I hook up the the trailer to the truck something goofy happens. Got into it with some clown in Utah. Was in the process of making a somewhat big swinging turn so I could get to the pump and this a** clown cam jamming thru the parking lot, damn near hitting me to get to a pump in the same row I was heading for station was completely empty so he had other choices Got out of my truck and started heading over towards him, he got all sort of mouthy with me until I got next to his door. I ended up pulling the mirror off of his truck, his girl friend freaking out as he was driving away. I have been saying this very thing "The problem with kids - or people in general - is that they never who they may be f***ing with or the state of mind with whom they may be running up against" for a very long time now. Others have told me that I am just a rude jack ***, that I am just a bully etc. Thing is, my manic stage is rage and anger, and when I slip into a blackout I more or less just lose control. There is a reason I got tossed out of the Post Office and live on a fenced/gated 5 acre parcel.....I have tried several different cocktails for my mental health troubles, all of which had some very goofy side effects. There is a lot of folks with mental illness's that the pills' just flat out do not work.....or make things worse...

Glad to hear you're OK, Doug. And very glad you were stopped before touching any of those underage kids or we may not be hearing from you for awhile.
I've been lucky all the years I've been riding. Got hit once on the freeway here in SoCal and been down two other times - one of them my fault riding over my head on a curvy mountain road - but never been hurt more than bumps and bruises.
As you know, you have to ride like you're invisible with your head on a swivel. Stupid drivers will make eye contact with you and still not see you!
Be safe.

Very true, a bikers head needs to be on a swivel. Had a buddy who got hit by a woman that made eye contact him, stopped backing out of her driveway for a split second and then just carried on.....

Yes...By a Woman on the phone about 8 months ago. She didnt realize there are stop signs at entrances and exits to neighborhoods and that you have to stop before them. Hit her at like 20MPH :oops: slid across her hood and into the middle of the road and almost got run over. But jumped up and the woman was out of her car crying. So My bike needed a new rim and she needed a new hood...LOL and i didnt have to go to the hospital and limped home for 2 miles carrying my bike. Man did i feel it in the morning and my cheek was all chewed up and hurt like hell getting all the gravel out of there and other cuts. Hurt for a long time too like a month or so. never went to the doctor tho but no broken bones so why waste a trip?
Anyways i dont ride my bike anymore...But really need to start again :glasses7: and have never seen the woman or car again.
If I did i would go take all the valves out of the valve stems on her car:finga:

Ouch. Understand you not wanting to waste a trip to see the doc but one thing I have learned is I do not heal no where near as quick as I used when I was younger.