
Hello, My name is Emily, i'm 24 years old and i'm in the process of building a '67 barracuda.

I've grown up around cars all my life (dads got a 31 Model A, Brother is into VW's, and my sister is into Trucksters. Try to go to shows every weekend, sometimes 3 in one day), but I've never really been to involved with re-building a car.

I bought my car in High School my Junior year, we were able to drive it home and thinking that we would get back into re-building, we took the motor and dash apart. well...... six years later we're now getting back into it on a 6 week time frame we're trying to get it running for a big show here in Idaho.

Because we've had it in parts and it got shelved for about 6 years, we've lost parts, bolts, and forgotten where a lot of things go.... Not to mention we've mainly been around Fords and Chevy's. (we knew that building a Mopar could be a learning curve.)

Really glad that i found this forum it couldn't have happened at a better time. Looking forward to learning a lot!
