solo racing an early A

Glad to help. Aug 31 is the next Solo? It's OK to go and check it out, but don't expect much advice from tech. The purpose of tech is primarily safety, and secondary (sometimes) classing. Of course this varies from region to region, but this is the general nature of it.

Tech will check the following (or should).
- Shake the wheels for loose bearing adjustment or other obvious issues.
- Throttle return operates well
- Battery secure
- No loose items (bolted down spare tire usually OK, I always run with one for balance)
- Brake pedal is hard.
- Number and class legible. (lots of options here, painters tape popular nowadays for those who haven't bought magnetic material. Shoe polish was the old way for newbies but hard to read)
- Helmet is up to current requirements (if using your own).
- Seat belt (they might not check at tech but they won't let you on course if your not wearing one!)
- No bad leaks. I and many others have run without coolant overflow tanks. They probably won't check because its been over 30 years since cars didn't have 'em. However you really should (I do now).

If you can afford the time and the cost, consider showing up with the intention of driving. Cost has gone up because SCCA now requires at least a temporary membership. Because of that, I don't push people to 'just try it' the way I used to. Depending on state laws and local club rules, you may be allowed to ride as a passenger if you are interested.

Classing is usually left to the driver although the organizers will usually try to help if you're unsure.