F*ck usps!

Would you mind posting a credible link to where the post office is funded by tax payer funds?

I can see where it could happen if things aren't changed.

Funded outside the approximately $96 million that is budgeted annually by Congress for the "Postal Service Fund." These funds are used to compensate USPS for postage-free mailing for all legally blind persons and for mail-in election ballots sent from US citizens living overseas. A portion of the funds also pays USPS for providing address information to state and local child support enforcement agencies.

I never said the PO was "funded" by taxpayer funds. The reality of the situation is that they are loosing $25 million a day, and THAT loss is being Subsidized by congress via tax revenues. Without that subsidy the PO could not meet it's liabilities to the various unions, retirements funds, not to mention daily operational costs, maintenance, vehicle expenses, etc...etc...

The 96 Million you mention doesn't get them through a week of financial losses.

Congress has no other monies than tax revenues to play with. Each and every time the PO receives a, so called, "loan" it comes from taxes, and in the processes of losing $25 million a day, the chances of turning that around, or even just reimbursing the tax coffers is realistically impossible.

That's $9 Billion plus a year they are losing, and that number continues to grow. Do you seriously believe that the PO is continuing to operate on it's own without public funding? Without the tax dollars being injected the post offices would simply cease to exist.