We are over 29,000 members now!!!!!

I would think that the number of "active " members would be a great deal less than 29, 000 but it's not something I even think about. I think we know who the regulars are and I'm glad they are regulars, and you're one of them Frankie.

so are you, and thanks for that, Dreno, but, I don't really count. Most of my posts are in the N&P forum, and here. I don't do much except read most of the tech and project forums. I stay out of the conversations on purpose. in some cases I see the simplest of questions receive 25 or 30 answers each different, and a few that are correct. Usually the same guys with the right answers, too. What the asker doesn't need is yet another responder to further confuse things.

I also noticed something else. Usually the guys with the wrong answers are the same guys who start the arguments in these threads. Eventually the experienced members and real mechanics will win out, but I do enough arguing and debating in the N&P forum. I don't need to do more in the tech forums.

Recently I sold off one of my Swingers. The 72. I still have the 71.
Most of my knowledge is old knowledge, from a time before all the digital crap available now used to diagnose, what we used to do by running various tests. and I don't even do much work on my Dart any more, except for regular maintenance and repairs as needed. I'm not doing any more mods to it, but I am looking at possibly restoring a Dart back to factory spec stock. That's probably not going to start for another 10 or 12 month, but I am, and have been, collecting bits and pieces for the project.

I'm an analog dinosaur in a digital age. I leave most of the tech arguing to the younger guys who are far more experience at looking up info on a computer, much faster than I can go through my manuals. They are fine for me, but people today want answers NOW, and usually more than one, even though they only need one right answer.

Yep, I'm here, and in some cases I'm still learning.

Back on topic. I agree, 29000 is impressive, and I doubt that we have much more than a thousand or so "active members", and based on what I see at other sites, even that is very impressive.