15 Week "Kitten" Update

Yup. 15 weeks old yesterday. 15 weeks and mama still lets up drink. lol Not for long though cause she's gettin fixed real soon. Anyway, here's all their little fatasses. Oh and look at the MESS. Look at Kitty's tablecloth. LMAO. The q-tips on the floor. The little monsters constantly tear the house UP. But we love um. The second picture is Curly. He's probably my favorite. He and Moe, his sister are twins. He's a true odd eye white. That means he's solid white, has one green eye and one blue eye and is also deaf. His mama is also odd eye white but the deaf part of the gene skipped her. I call Curly "The nappy one" and Moe "The smooth one" because of the difference in their fur texture. lol Sorry about the mess in the background. We're in the middle of moving some stuff around from room to room. The cats like it though.