Question on Gearvendors overdrive . Is it a basic bolt in operation for a

Some companies protect themselves, you weren't the original buyer so the PENALTY is having to pay for the adapter...
Thats the rule with them, only the original buyer is able to swap the unit to another vehicle and pay the price for the new adapter.
Thats what is keeping some prick from copying there stuff and having it made in china... I wish more companies would do that.

personally i don't see ithat it keeps it from being copied. if someone wanted to copy it i'm sure they will find a way to get what they needed to do so.

also if i was making/selling them i would want them in as many cars as possible. this way more people would be out saying how much they like it and how good of customer service they have.. holding parts hostage like that isn't doing that. word of mouth is a lot better advertisement than anything in print could be. hell just look at these threads and how many are turned off by the parts being held hostage.