true story

I have a story to tell, something pretty amazing happened to me today. This type of thing is something you usually hear about happening to someone else.
1st, let me thank Debi Carrington, without her this story and something she did several years ago wouldn't be possible.
a little back story, 18 years ago, my ex wife and I parted ways. Wasn't my decision, but hey it all worked out in the end. During the divorce I asked for a couple of things, 1 of those being my high school class ring. It was granted and I still have the order saying I'm to have it along with other property. I never received it, despite several requests for it. I figured since it was white gold it was sold. I wrote it off as a loss.
Today, out of the blue I get a message from Debi Carrington wanting to know if I graduated from Williamsburg High School in 1988, I said I did and she wrote back saying that she had my ring, would I like it back.
Her ex-husband used to work cleaning storage units out before it was chic to auction them off. During one of these clean outs Debi found a box with my ring box in it. She picked up the ring and thought she would get this back to its owner. This was way before Facebook. She said she tried before, but no luck. She put the ring away. In 2004 she was divorced and packed the ring along with her other things and moved.
Today, she was going through this same box and found my ring!
My ring took me 18 years to get back, but I have it.
This lady, who didn't know me from Adam, took the time several years ago to pull the ring out of the trash, save it all these years and then contact me today.
All I have to say is there is a special place in heaven for folks like her!
I want all my friends and family to know how much I appreciate this simple gesture!
Thanks again to Debi Carrington!