Question on Gearvendors overdrive . Is it a basic bolt in operation for a

Yep, except that only does one of few things 1. They cut floor install different tranny, 2. Not buy product at all (which equals out of business, because word of mouth is a *****), 3. Or the best one someone buy said adapter, then copies the adapter and start selling it for cheaper (doesnt take much just add delete emblems numbers etc).
It really is simple business economics, pissing off the wrong person/people can lead to competition. Don't believe me, take a look at the adapter for the 200R4 wilcap (original) vs tci (competition).
Sorry my economics degree was kicking in there.

As it stands now the only way you get a GV and that 1 adapter needed is to buy the entire thing though.
Now the people here stealing other companies stuff and having it copied in china aren't dropping 2400 to 3600 per adapter.
I understand the pirating thing all to well as it is rampant in my industry and why i always tell people make sure and tell them to leave the china on the shelf.
But buying 10 different pieces at $60 and having it copied is easier than 20 different adapters you had to drop 3k for.
Only other way to get all of the different adapters is buy them used, and they aren't usually all over

If i wanted to i could make the adapter myself really, i have all the machining equipment to make anything or copy anything really.
A bell-housing trans adapter is so much easier to do though.

personally i don't see ithat it keeps it from being copied. if someone wanted to copy it i'm sure they will find a way to get what they needed to do so.

also if i was making/selling them i would want them in as many cars as possible. this way more people would be out saying how much they like it and how good of customer service they have.. holding parts hostage like that isn't doing that. word of mouth is a lot better advertisement than anything in print could be. hell just look at these threads and how many are turned off by the parts being held hostage.

It's worked for them for a long time now, keep in mind GV isn't a new company, been around since the late 70's and they have aquired gkn and all there od stuff a few years back, they are only going to get better.

Here's the thing though, the only people turned off are the people buying it from someone else and not GV and having to deal with there policy and don't understand it, and not having a clue in this industry and what happens would make you talk nagatively, but they are protecting themselves.

It's like when people call me for stuff, there are certain things i do im not making for anyone that i haven't seen the stuff it's going into right in front of me, why? because i don't know what they are really gonna do with it, but i do know when i see it in person i know they didn't spend 30k, 70k or 150k just to get me to make it so they can figure out how i do it and mass produce it.

Look at all the trans shops that used to get there stuff from msp, he made the particular pieces that MADE those trans shops and put them on the map, and then they went and scum-bagged him and had his stuff he pioneered, he did all the r&d on, spent all the time and money making right and some scumbag sent it to china for copying ... it's not as good as msp, but the damage is done.

But dealing with people from other states does that to a company and makes them put certain policies into place that helps them from becoming pirated.

This is a really fuked up world now, and you try and get the govt to help you and spend countless tens of thousands and get NO WHERE...
