Why do people Piss and Moan?

The little woman is about to get on my last nerve today.

Why can't some people realize how much better off they are than some?
One of her best friends has a shitty job, lives in Phoenix and has no car.
She walks a mile or so to a bus stop and sits in the 100+ heat waiting for a bus that takes her within a few blocks of her job.
The wife doesn't have to work, and she drives a BMW325 vert with AC and bitches if she has to go to the store 3 miles away as if it's going to finish her off.

Her friend rents a one bedroom apt. with no yard, or privacy at all.
She is also single, hates it and can barely pay her rent month to month.
All with no help at all from her 21 year old son who mooches off her all the time.
The wife has a house with gardens, roses, vegatables and herbs, but pitches a minor fit when she has to go out when it's 80 degrees to water it, and both our still at home boys (23 and 21) work and pay rent.

I do ALL the home and vehicle maintanence (2 cars and the kids motorcycle) as well as own/operate a computer service business, and build HEI ignition systems for parts money for my car so I don't use the computer business money for my car stuff.
(even though my car is my daily driver for the business)
I do most of the cooking, a lot of the dishes, and a lot of my own laundry.

All I hear sometimes is,
We need more money.
My yard sucks.
You missed a spot on the counter when you washed after fixing my car.
You left a piece of wire on the kitchen table from your ignition kit.

Recently I spent $150 or so on all new front bushings, bearings and shocks out of the car money account (not to mention did all the work myself) and she tells me to consider that my birthday present. WTF?
I spent the money I made from building HEI ignitions kits and did the repairs myself.
I don't care about a birthday present in any case, but that one kinda pissed me off.

Blah, blah, blah, quit yer bitchin and realize some peoples lives suck a ton more than your does.

That's what I say on the inside. :D