What Did You Get To Do Growing Up That Your Kids Will Never Be Able To?

Here are a few that i remember.......
Never wearing seat belts.
My dad smoked in the grocery store. There were ashtrays in the aisles!
Paying with checks or cash only.
We didn't have a phone. We lived out of town about 5 miles, and finally got a ''party line'' when they finally ran the telephone poles out past where we lived.
No running water. We didn't have a well and we hauled water, and used an outhouse for many years.
Singing the national anthem and saying the lord's prayer at the start of each school day in grade one (1968). I still think it was a good thing. And it was a public school.
Writing and mailing letters to relatives. Then waiting for 3-4 weeks for a response.
Music......The Beatles and rolling Stones were ''radical ****'' to my parents and when my brother bought and played Alice Cooper's first album, my mom almost fainted and forbid it when she was around.
There's lots more, that's just a few quick ones.........