Why do people Piss and Moan?

Just because you bear the sword does not mean you use it on everything, or everyone. (or even that it is the solution at all)
Being the male in a houshold doesn't automatically make you right, or give you the right to demand others do as you say.
Not in this country anyway.

Very true on all accounts. It is one thing to bear the sword.....but to use it to your advantage on everything & everyone makes you a control freak. Often times control freaks end up alone. I did. And it sucked. Made the decision that I was going to let go of the control issues....15 or so years later still have not come up with a comfortable way top do so. But I am working on it....and apparently Ernie is very appreciative of it based on our recent conversations.

I feel often times problems will arise because one party is just to damn comfortable......spoiled comes readily to mind.

Our worlds would be a much more peaceful place if as a couple no problems ever surfaced. But it takes 2 to be a couple.....and if the 2 of you agree on EVERYTHING than chances are you in a passive/aggressive relationship.

Perhaps you need to just sit the Mrs. down and have a heart to heart with her. Not to get personal.....has she hit mental paws yet?