Idea for Future FABO Benefit Auctions ... whatcha think?

As long as we keep the bullshit negativity and jealousy OFF the benefit auctions. That's all that counts. Over and out, end of story. Whatever way we can do that, I am all for.

The feedback system is only good if people use it, whether the feedback is good or bad.
Honestly how many negative feedbacks are there??
In my opinion if someone was to receive negative feedback whether warranted or not, that would/will open up a whole new can of worms and more new drama filled threads with umpteen pages of opinions/pissin'/moanin. And not the good kinda moanin'.
Just my opinion...

Considerin' it's a thread to help others, here's an idea...

If someone can't take that into account and realize the thread is about someone else, and not themselves, then they should just stay the hell out.

And if they can't get that idea through their thick skulls then it's time they took a permanent walk from the site.

Why do some people insist that everything be about them?