Self Storage Facilities

A few things to consider-

Most places will want proof of registration and insurance.

They will also likely have you sign a "standard" insurance clause that says that the value of any item in storage is less than $5000, and possibly provide them a copy of any policy you have and the value stated in the policy if it appears to be a high dollar or collector car.

They will also very likely strictly prohibit any maintenance of any kind on your vehicle while it is in storage.

I had a project car stored for almost a year at the somewhat modest rate of $80 a month. I quickly realized that at $960 dollars a year, I couldn't afford NOT to build some type of additional garage or carport at my house.

This particular facility was a one man operation, and they had virtually no regulation as to what could be/could not be done there. You may get lucky and find one of those, if you intend to do any work, but be advised that any damage caused by another tenant (as they too have no or limited regulation) will be a nightmare to resolve.

This story does have a happy ending, as I ended up buying that storage facility (for a very attractive price) about two years after I moved my car back home to my $5K Carolina Carport "pole garage" (or about 5 years worth of storage fees).

I did impose regulations, and the $5K max value clause, but I advertize on my business card "Project Car Friendly", and have carefully worded my rental agreement to try to let people enjoy "at will" light repair on their vehicles.