Work Rant.

Engaged, Yes. We've discussed my work and tomorrow I am going to be job searching. I want to have a 2nd one lined up before I quit, but there's only so much disrespect I can take plus I am worried he may attempt to fire me and I do not want that on my resume. I have spent a good couple days thinking this over.

My brother in law (sister's hubby, gettin married aug 3rd) is a mechanic as am I, and my friend down in Kentucky. I've been pawing at the idea of opening a small speed shop. Shannon (soon to be wifey) and I spent a lot of time tossing ideas back and forth of what we'd like to do work wise and how to make money. We both know retail isn't going to give us the kind of life we want, its fine for now -- but with no job security at my current job i feel it would be better if I found some place I could be happy with and they would actually wish to retain me/use me to my full potential instead of playing "king" and badly mismanaging man hours and resources.