340 gone! Performance shop shut down! Help!

I hate people like this. Some people deserve to be shot. unfortunately it doesn't look good. I found this on yelp:


Yellow pages:


and the BBB shows 5 complaints within the last 2 years non of which the company would respond to the BBB about. The company says they are under new ownership and improved the place but yet the owner wouldn't respond to a bad review. You would figure that if a new owner was trying to repair the reputation of hid newly bought business he would make certain to respond to the BBB.

Honestly I would be so pissed right now, not for being duped, but for losing a matching numbers engine that I would end up breaking into the building to see if my engine was in there. But, don't listen to what I would do as this could result in serious consequences with the law and not mention have an adverse effect on your claim with the police.