it could have turned out real bad

My wife came home from work last night and was kinda stressed. She is in management and has been off for six weeks for a shoulder surgery and started back Monday morning. Well, you know how it is going back to work after being off for a long period of time and no one does what they are supposed to do. She walks in and says, " boy I am glad this day is over". " oh, by the way, there is a vibration in the van. feels like the tires are flat". She has done this to me in the past several times and I would go and check it out and find nothing. The last time, about a month ago I looked them over and took the van out and ran it up to 70mph and nothing. no vibration, nothing. So, when she told me that, I said, run the damn thing till it breaks and then I will know what the problem is. take it to work and if it is still doing it tonight, I will look at it again. I just happened to be standing at the front door drinking a cup of coffee as she was backing out of the driveway this morning and I noticed something weird with the front tire on the driver side. I ran out the door and made her pull back in. I knew then what it was. This is what I found. tread separated . 3 bubbles..I will listen to her the next time she tells me something is wrong with the van.